New Professor at IFPM

We are pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Amanda Shantz to our institute

Dr. Amanda Shantz was awarded a doctorate in Employment Relations and Human Resource Management from the University of Toronto in 2008. After lecturing Leadership, Human Resources and Organization at a renowned university and a business school and working as an Assistant Professor at the School of Human Resources Management at York University in Toronto, she joined the Department of Management at the IESEG School of Management in Paris as an Associate Professor. She then joined the Greenwich Business School at the University of Greenwich in London as Reader in Human Resources and Organisational Behaviour, and in 2017 moved to Trinity Business School in Dublin as Associate Professor in Human Resources.

Prof. Dr. Amanda Shantz is researching the topic of engagement in the workplace and value-based socially-oriented leadership. She looks into how workplaces can be organised to bring about a sense of purpose to people’s work. In her award-winning work (MIT Sloan Management Review), she developed ideas on leadership and what is required for long-term direction, engagement for stakeholders and a vision of the future.

In addition to her responsibilities for the MBA, she will complement our institute as a new professor with her broad knowledge in research and teaching. Prof. Dr. Heike Bruch and the whole team are looking forward to the collaboration.

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